
Showing posts with the label phantom


An appearance or illusion without material substance as a dream image mirage or optical illusion. The phantom of fear. Enchantment Theater Company Presents The Phantom Tollbooth The Examples of phantom in a sentence noun the book is about the phantoms that are said to haunt the nations cemeteries. Phantom . The crisis is merely a phantom made up by the media. An apparition or specter. A person or thing of merely illusory power status efficacy etc. Adjective people claim to have seen a phantom ship floating on the lake. 2020 Rolls Royce Phantom Fort Lauderdale Fl Deerfield Beach Boca Phantom Striker Showdown Character Highlight Yacht Club Games The Phantom President Kennedy S Mission Issue 1a Hermes Press Petition Danny Phantom New Episodes Bring Back Danny Phantom Phantom Gacha Life Wiki Fandom 3d Sy