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Phantom Pain

For some people the pain will go away on its own. This is known as phantom limb pain. Mgs V Phantom Pain Watch Phantom pain is pain that feels like its coming from a body part thats no longer there. Phantom pain . Phantom pain pain felt as if it were arising in an absent or amputated limb or organ. Phantom pain is a pain or a sensation which an individual feels as if it is coming from a part of body which no longer exists eg. This can be a confusing and even scary sensation. Phantom pain is pain that feels like its coming from a body part thats no longer there. Phantom limb pain plp refers to ongoing painful sensations that seem to be coming from the part of the limb that is no longer there. Psychogenic pain symptoms of physical pain having psychological origin. This is not phantom pain but pain originating from the stump. Phantom pain is not limited to limb removal. Limb loss is a result of either removal by